Applicom's Blog

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Andrea Di Clemente's picture
By Andrea Di Clemente
Wednesday, April 2, 2014 - 17:50

Requests from our users that made into Apollo lately

Hi there!

In our quest to make Apollo increasingly better and more functional to your needs, here's a list of new feature and enhancements that have been requested by some users and that we've brought to you with our latest release:

  • Archived projects are now marked as such in the search results. This makes it easier to see which is which, expecially when you streamline most of your project work using project templates.

Archived projects in search results

  • The project search now gives the possibility to also limit the search to just all active or all archived projects. Previously it was either all projects or a specific project. This gives your more flexibility in your searches.

Search in active and archived projects

  • The custom description of a loose timer (not connected to any particular task) is now always passed on to the Save timer dialog.

  • We added support for the ESC and ENTER keys when working with the lookup for contacts tags in the contact screen. This will make keyboard users happy (Pssst, we're also working on woskspace-wide keyboard shortcuts for the most common interactions).

  • The daily digest is now sent at around 5am in each user's timezone instead of 8am; it turns out that quite a few Apollo users are early risers and asked for it — of course we are more than happy to oblige.

That's all for now folks, stay tuned for more updates to come! As always, we encourage you to send us feedback and suggestions.