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Tony Mobily's picture
By Tony Mobily
Tuesday, July 10, 2012 - 10:55

Editing time entries within a task

When you develop a program like Apollo, sometimes it's tricky to decide where users should be able to "just see" data, and when they should be able to edit it.

A common feature request was the ability to see all time logged against a specific task. That's why we added a dynamically loaded section of the site, where we show exactly that:

Shortly after that, another request came: the ability to edit those entries without having to jump a few hoops to finally "find it". We evaluated it, and we noticed that 1) Yes, it did make sense to make adjustments to logged time in a task context 2) Yes, the number of clicks to achieve that was way too high.

So, we did it: you can now edit time from that section:


2 comments so far

Mark's picture


Wed, 07/18/2012 - 13:07


Yes, thank you! Small looking change, but so much better for usability that one time you accidentally click "Add Time" too soon :)

maria's picture


Sun, 08/05/2012 - 21:31


Thanks for the changes as any new options make the tool competitive. My tool seems to be a unique tool and still I am looking forward to some new changes.